
Posts Tagged ‘saturn-square-pluto-transit’

Transitional times can be wearying even for those that are well accustomed to transformation through challenge.

As we approach the forthcoming Cardinal Squares and Crosses of Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Pluto, it is of great importance that we seek to hold our balance and attend our situations as they arise, keeping our lives as streamlined and simple as is possible.

When in periods of change, especially when there is such a large amount of outer planet involvement, much can feel as if it is spinning out of control and this can lead to feelings of despair, anger, resentment and loss of faith and belief.

While transformation due to challenging circumstances is seldom pain free we needn’t go through unnecessary struggle. By practicing conscious awareness and making choices based upon our well-being we can effectively prevent the arising of situations that will only serve to hinder our progression and growth.

For those that are struggling during these times I offer these insights and tips on what has sustained and assisted me through the more difficult periods. (more…)

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The Saturn-Pluto square is easing off a bit, Mars shall soon turn direct and the Moon is not completely taxed today by heavy afflictions.

Mercury’s ingress of Pisces later today brings us to 5 planets in the Sign of Transcendence and with Neptune/Chiron continuing their close conjunction in Aquarius today’s energies feel a whole lot lighter than they have in a while.

I remembered a little skit from the “Roseanne” show years ago that felt like the perfect poke at what these past months have been like and where we are now with our Pisces pile-up.

So if you could use a bit of a laugh, enjoy! 🙂

This is an act from the episode “Pampered to a Pulp” when Roseanne and Jackie visited a Spa during the show’s last season. Moon Unit Zappa plays Carol their past-life regressionist.

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In a previous post:  The Concepts of Energy Working, Transmutation and Release Work of Negative Imprints and… I introduced how negative messages/energy imprints can function as blockages preventing us from achieving our full potential and success in life.

This is the second installment in a series of articles that I am sharing to assist those that have difficulty taking leaps of faith and accepting opportunities in a timely fashion that could lead them on a path to fulfilling their desires of personal success.

Astrologically we are approaching a time of very dynamic energies that shall offer productive opportunities for those that have the courage to utilize these energies and opportunities in a timely fashion.

These forthcoming transits are of special interest to those with planets/angles in the late mutable and early cardinal signs for they have been intensely impacted by the Saturn square Pluto transit and much of their personal world has been deconstructed in preparation for new growth, expression and function to come forth.

If you have been doing self-work in the area’s related to self-esteem, trust and/or change and have yet to achieve your desired results then what I am presenting here may be what you need to shine some light on issues that you may have not yet seen as possibilities as to why you find it difficult to accept changes with ease.

This article expands upon negative imprints that were received via messages in childhood that can hamper our achieving success in our adult years.


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Early in life we are subjected to an abundance of messages within our environment that color our perceptions of our world.

Messages can take many forms and are not just shared through verbal communication, such as messages received and recorded, during our visual observance of the actions of others within our lives.

These messages we were subjected to during our formative years directly influence the manner in which we behave and interact with the world for the duration of our adulthood.

Some messages from our childhood serve us well in our later years, while others act as blockages, preventing us from reaching our full potential.

For individuals that were subjected to a high ratio of negative messages in their formative years and early adulthood it can be a long and difficult road to achieving personal well-being and success.


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Yesterday, I shared about my daughter’s Libra Sun being transited conjunct by Saturn, so she is also having Pluto square to her Sun at this time.

For myself, my natal Moon and Cancer Ascendant is being squared by Saturn and opposed by Pluto.

My natal Uranus is conjunct tr. Saturn and square tr. Pluto.

Everything feels to be of great meaning now.

Each day brings a new revelation.

Yet with each new insight, there is less and less certainty as to what the final outcome will be.

There are big changes right around the bend for myself, for both of my daughters, for all of us on this planet…

My daughter made a recent posting to her tumblr page that I feel captured this energy of change quite well and I thought I’d share it here, unedited.

My Moon’s heart is deeply touched by my daughter today and I feel proud of her, yet I am also a bit nostalgic and blue….

I suppose I should also mention, that transiting Jupiter is now upon my daughters IC, and almost upon my MC.

Blessings to All!

Feel free to share your personal thoughts/stories. Kachina


Excuse my terrible grammar

~APB 2/1/10

Day after day, I find myself standing in a chaotic mix of people rushing around a crowded train station. Everyone is always in a hurry to progress to their next destination, always so sure of where they are headed. To my right is a train heading to a place very familiar and comforting; a home if you will. A home full of memories and security. This place is however quite dull and filled with great loneliness. I look to my left and discover a chance to be taken somewhere new, to a place so beautiful and full of excitement and happiness. This place, as tempting as it may seem, is full of insecurity and risks to be taken.

Day in and day out, I stand before my two paths of choice. Never making any final desicions and being perfectly content sitting in stagnation. Suddenly, I begin thinking about time and how much of it I may or may not have left. I become anxious, panicking at the thought of having to decide. I know that I can not take any longer to make this choice. My mind is racing, and I know what I have to do. I inhale deeply, and enter the train on the left.

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With Saturn square Pluto remaining an influence in our lives through most of this year, we continue to receive stressful energies from this match up that can leave not only our emotional and mental bodies stressed but also our physical body.

When one body of the human system is compromised so are the others to some degree as all three bodies are interrelated.

When we are subjected to longer term frictional transits (those of a square for instance), chronic stressing of the physical body gone unchecked can later lead to dis-ease, sometimes many months or even years after the transit has concluded.

By looking to the physical governorship of the signs and planets within a particular transit we are able to define what area’s of our physical health we should be placing our attention on and practicing preventative care during a frictional transit.

In this post, while I am directly addressing the current square of Saturn in Libra to Pluto in Capricorn, these tips still shall remain of benefit for the entire duration that Saturn and Pluto remain in these signs.

These tips are of special importance for those with natal late mutable/early cardinal placements (as the Saturn/Pluto square places the most focus in these degrees) and also for those with placements in other signs that are/will be receiving a square or oppositional aspect to your natal placement from either Saturn or Pluto during their Libra and Capricorn transits.

Taurus and Leo Ascendants: This is of particular importance to you also as your 6th houses of health are governed by Libra and Capricorn respectively.


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Please do not Judge Me for Living My Truth

It’s mine and I own it whatever it’s Proof

Please do not Fear for Me for my Soul is Safe

Should you see Darkness within Me

Fear not, for it is in the right Place

My Lessons are Many, my fears may be great

Yet it is Mine to Reveal, and Restore without Hate

If ever you view me standing at Hell’s Darkest Gate

Please let it be known, the Light in my Heart, Shall be my guide Home.

When I struggle with Darkness, Fear and ill Faith

Your Love, plain and simple, shall help me find Grace

So Pray, judge not my fears, with your Anger nor Pain

Instead speed me Light, with Joy, in great Haste!

I ask simply this please…

Do not Judge me for Living my Truth

I AM what I AM and with All of my Might

I AM Purely and Simply

A Being of Light.


***A very dear friend of mine penned the above some time ago and I felt it was perfectly befitting my little tale today. Thank you Janya, for allowing me to share your words of wisdom!

The past few days I have been in the space of a deep clearing of wounds that I had no idea I was carrying until recently.

That is not unusual at all though, especially after you have been on the healing path for a good amount of time, for we clear the ‘knowns’ first, the wounds that are on the surface that can still be seen in some manner, and then we go deeper than.

Deeper Than…I first began to hear those words 2 years ago. Deeper Than.

And I replied, “Yeah, sure, why not? I’m game!”.

That must have been my overly enthusiastic Uranus at work there. ((sardonic smile))

Seriously though, I have no regrets, not in the long run.

I do have my hard days though, just like everyone else, and on those days I can tend to be quite sarcastic, it is my way of keeping myself moving forward and my head above water during the really tough stuff.

As I’ve said a million and one times, and others have too..a sense of humor is mandatory when on the path of Healing.


Before I go into sharing my experiences and my forthcoming understandings of said experiences (that precipitated the title of this post), I’ll share the lowdown on my current astrological transits:

Transit Saturn (responsibility/the past) is on my 3rd/4th house cusp. (local community, brothers&sisters/inner self and more of the past). 🙂

Tr. Saturn is squaring Tr. Pluto whom is now within 3 degree’s of my descendant, so likely now affecting not only my 6th house (service to others, personal health) yet also my 7th house (committed relationships).

Squares are frictional and we all currently have the transit of Saturn sq. Pluto somewhere in our charts, I just happen to have mine as I detailed above.

I also have the coming Full-Moon Lunar Eclipse on New Years Eve conjunct my Ascendant (self)/ Descendant (other), squaring my natal Jupiter/Mercury (higher/expanded understanding) conjunction in Libra (relationships/balance/justice) and this all is forming a loose Grand Cross with my Chiron (healing/wounds) at the top of my chart(sharing my understanding of this wound to heal thyself) .

On the day that this area of self-clearing began for me, transiting Moon triggered the Saturn/Pluto square by forming an inconjunct and trine respectively, when the Moon aspected conjunct my natal Saturn in the 11th house (friendships/groups/hopes).

I’m not sure who I wrote that for, my readers or myself..likely more for myself. (I hope you benefit, but I am determined to do what I have to do here to heal thyself.) ((admitting with no shame))

Though it just made my tummy flip upside down again for the upteenth time this week.

So I am steeping in relationships right now, and issues of responsibility to others, and the need to regenerate in some manner, how I have perceived and/or done, all of this before.

Following is my tale, of uncovering wounds of perceived failure, and the messages I have received, concerning our responsibility to others. I confess the tale is somewhat long, for I could find no way to shorten it and still get my point across..so you may wish to take out the dog and get another cup of joe before you proceed..you brave, brave Soul. 🙂


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I just spent a bit of time browsing around the web.

And I have to say, it is like weaving through a derailed train that has flung all of the baggage willy-nilly over a huge radius.

Almost no point in trying to collect and sort any of it though, for there are more trains that have yet to reach this location, and they are on the way.

I’m not trying to sound gloomy here; I actually sit back and take in a bit of it all with a slight amusement.

What else can you really do?

My motto is a bit like, “when the going gets tough, the tough crack jokes”.

In this walk, as far as I am concerned, a sense of humor is mandatory.

Oh, I feel the pain of it all, there is no escaping that.

I have my own personal stuff to deal with, and I’m an empath, so I get to feel everyone else’s too.

Yet, I am not keen to sitting in pain of any sort, so I flip it up, and I find the humor, and let me tell you, no matter how bleak it looks or feels, there is always something humorous somewhere to be found.

My personal train is still on the tracks.

I intend to keep it that way. Have a lot of derailments occurring all around me, but I am weaving through.

I personally have had enough of my fair share of derailments in my personal life, and there is no way I am turning over my conductor’s hat to anyone else.

I am going to steer this train, for ‘better or worse’.


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Oh-Yes-Its-FreeAstrologer and Author Donna Cunningham has compiled a wonderful set of articles concerning the current Saturn square Pluto transit.

The purpose of this series of resources is to offer clarity, from her perspective and many years of experience as an Astrologer, as to what this transit represents, and to also empower others with practical tools during this transit, should they feel a need.

Here is the direct link to her site and to the kit: Pluto-Saturn Preparedness Kit

Enjoy! 🙂

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With Saturn now transiting Libra, and squaring off with transiting Pluto in Capricorn, many are now beginning to understand where we, as  individuals, family units,  communities and nations must begin to restructure what we have done before and how we have done it into a realistic model that allows us to move ahead through the next years of changing times. (more…)

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