
Posts Tagged ‘taurus’

I have risen late.

I place intention to the course of my walk, traversing avenues when necessitated, ensurance of continual communion with crisp autumnal Light.

The eschewing of spaces yet grayed by lingering shadows, merely an action obedient to preference of mood this morn, not a path dictated by a misbegotten fear of subliminal places.

Recent formations of leaf communities joyously solicit invitation of sojourn aside their now grand cohesions of once-solitary, myriad hued members.

Occasional stirrings of wind no longer threaten individual dispersion; a boon of communal existence and necessity for many when Winters Gales arrive.

Yet on this late morning outing I find it is not these vibrant communities that dialogue so intimately with my Heart but it is the occasional Lone Leaf, found pressed limply to concrete walkway by residual moisture of the weeping of the Night prior, that receives my more soulful considerations.

I adjust my gait accordingly on the walkway, with respect for their current condition, maneuvering gently around these random soloists whilst musing as to why they present as such even now with other choice of Be-ing promised nearby should they but accept transport upon prevailing winds.

I observe that indeed the New Day sun has liberated much Else of the previous Nights tears yet these Lone Leaf’s remain saturated and still, and I remain uncertain as to if it is by inability, or unwillingness, to change their solemn condition that they remain as such.

Whispering to them with my Heart I ask of them if they be yet-stilled by indecisions, or are they not yet ready to be liberated of the tears of former Night doings; is it these matters that are cause of current condition?  

Alas, my inquiry results in mere silence, so I Heart Whisper once again a reassurance meant to be a balm against lonesomeness and further despair that:

I, as well as others upon our shared pathway, shall endeavor in our comings and goings to keep the pathway clear during all Winter Gales.

Through our Movements we shall stir the Airs when needed to assist in the drying of tears while alighting favorable Winds to lift all Lone Leaf’s toward their personal Choice of New Be-ing while honoring their sovereign rights to choose environments, solitary or communal, that is perfectly right for them.

I aim my strides now towards home; satisfied with my own choice.

© S. Brodbeck 11.08.22

Into the Mystic

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8.5.2022 9:29AM

My experience of the garden this morning was a frenetic one. So much disarray to be sorted through after last evening’s rain; yet Lemon was so agitated that my task was not one that was going to be undertaken with any ease and grace.

As I gathered produce, tended the feeders and up righted tipped planters she pulled and strained against her very generous lead yelping and panting; a half crazed, fully obsessed, bunny-lusted Lemon she was.

I moved her lead from stake to stake around the gardens hoping that if she were presented with enough differing angles (perspectives) she would come to the recognition that there was nothing tangible where she believed it to be.

Yet the more information she had to work with the greater her frenzy became.

I finally had enough. I stopped everything I had been doing, took a deep breath to clear my own irritation with her agitation and said,

“Lemon, just let it go now Darlin’, just let it all go. It is already gone. You are just chasing a Ghost now”.

Lemon stilled and became and quiet. Something inside of me responded in like manner.

For a few moments we were as such, she and I, calculating our next steps in consideration of the awareness we now had.

And then the first drops of a new day’s rain touched our cheeks and signaled a lesson completed.

Thank you Mother; I understand and am grateful.

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gift-of-lifeParaphrasing Florence Scovel Shinn on the subject of loss:

We can only lose that which is not ours by Divine Right or that which is not good enough for us. 

Bless what and whom leaves your life knowing that you shall receive equal, or better, in return.

Thank you Florence! ♥

Be Well!

© 7.30.2020 Sharon Brodbeck in2themystic.wordpress.com

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The next New Moon occurs at 23°9′ Taurus on May 13th, 2010 at 9:04 pm EST.

As the second sign in the zodiac, and ruled by Venus, Taurus is where we find ourselves concerned with self-gratification, with Self-Love. Taurus is the place where we take great pleasure in thrusting our hands into the moist soils of our earthy existence to sow seeds that will bring much pleasure to our 5 basic senses. Here, we find ourselves longing for experiences of a more hedonistic nature.

Taurus evokes images of the Garden of Eden, for it is here that we are renewed within the simplicity of earthly delights and express a primitive innocence in undertaking that which we find pleasing, without obsessive regard to the ‘rightness or wrongness’ of our desires. Here, that which is nurturing to the senses and to the physical self, just IS.

Later as we develop our Venus attributes in the sign of Libra, we come to be concerned with a further developed and balanced expression of Venus and we apply the “WE” principle, seeking to offer unto an other our ‘fruits of self’ while desiring an other to in turn offer unto us their ‘fruits of self’.

Many find great discomfort in giving recognition to their hedonistic elements and deny themselves the right to self-gratification/love. Yet our path of evolution through the Zodiac has made no error in taking us into the realms of Venus in Taurus before Libra. When one wishes to enter into relationship through the portal of Libra, one must first have something to offer to another, and that is where our experience of Taurus begins our quest to achieve self-fulfillment that allows us to enter into unions that have the best opportunity for long-term survival due to our entering said unions with minimal likelihood of forming a co-dependency due to a sense of lack within one’s self. (more…)

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The Sun has joined Mercury and Venus within Taurus, Saturn is once again visiting Virgo and Pluto and the North Node remain in Capricorn.

With this current strong emphasis in Earth, these next days are favorable for all things practical, and this should come as a great relief after many weeks of much emotional and mental activity being catalyzed by our Pisces-Aries transition.

Now is a fabulous time to put to order all that was neglected and/or strewn about during the past weeks of upheaval.

With Mercury currently in retrograde, ‘spring cleaning’ of anything and everything in need of attention is a wonderful way to still the mind and allow Mercury the free space to bring forth new insights concerning the past weeks events.

Physical activities are also favored and advisable, especially with Saturn’s return to Virgo, and now is a great time to step up your fitness program or to commit yourself to attending your physical fitness if need be.

Here’s to rolling up those sleeves and getting down to the practical endeavors that are quite necessary for total well-being! 🙂

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