
Posts Tagged ‘pisces’

This prose snippet below (slightly tweaked) is from something I wrote in 2005, early into the “intentional” part of my Healing/Be-coming journey.

Following the prose is a brief delineation/thought prompt for the Virgo Full Moon 2023 as well as an observation for Saturn’s ingress of Pisces hours after the lunation.


Saying YES! to Screaming NO!

Once, I felt Enough

Of the Pain

For a Moment

I Dreamed

Of No Tomorrows

And it was Then

that finally I said


To saying


~Sharon Brodbeck

aka Kachina Houska ‘2005


The current Virgo Full Moon finds Nessus (the Buck Stops Here) conjunct Sun in Pisces with opposition to Moon upon the “Volcanic Eruption (Catharsis) Sabian degree. Mercury, lunation ruler, is also present in Pisces.

I invite you to consider the prose snippet above in regards to the relevancy of it in your life during this Full Moon phase. 

How are you doing, really? 

Do you need to VENT like that Volcano?

As Mountains crumble and Moons fall can You allow the Fires to Burn while permitting your Yesses as well as NO!’s to be your hymn and guide as You finish what You must in preparation for the magnificent Aries New Moon’s arrival in two short weeks(blinks?!)?


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Was it She that brought You forth, to I?;

had She cast forth to You

upon Her ever-flowing Tides

my Longings of Heart,

ages and ages of need and want

spilled forth into her fathomless depths

as I, made naked my Soul desires

entrusting unto Her the containment

of these precious-unto-me Things

when the vastness of their totality

became far too great

to be held solely

within the Earthen forms

of my many mortal Be-ings.

Did it find You?;

as You drifted upon the Sea

the whispered request

for Your Presence before I

encapsulated within translucent bubble

an urging to You by She

by I

to swim further abroad

to where long I’ve awaited

Your return unto Me.

Or perhaps as I waded,

within Her endless shoals

age upon age merging

with the next, with the ‘fore

as an act of great benevolence

for I,

for You,

She pressed within a Pearl

my sincerest wish-filled Flows

and nestled the lustrous orb

‘neath many layers of sands

upon distant Ocean bed.


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© Sharon Brodbeck Into The Mystic Prose & Photo Collaboration w/ A. Sahaj- 01.31.23

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Let your grief be as a warm blanket passed down through many generations of those that also have weathered this storm and added to this rich weave the thread of their own survival;

As the icy winter gale wails and thrashes and moans about you, a mirror to all that you have locked within, allow the weight of this blanket to anchor you to the world you fear is being torn away from beneath you;

Find the assurance within the thick wrapping of so many common threads, that even though you now feel threatened within every fiber of your being by the storm that rages on both around you and within you, you will indeed survive this tempest to meet with a new dawn;

Though you may emerge from this period bearing the bruises of the gale that engulfed you, homage to the truth of your ordeal, you will add your own thread of wisdom, born of your companionship with grief, to the ageless blanket that shall be lovingly availed to the next whom finds themselves in need of it.

© Sharon Brodbeck 9.29.2022

Into The Mystic

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Forgiveness is an act of completion; it is the acknowledgement of a lesson learned.

The act of Forgiveness is Grace, a blessing, for through it you release yourself and an other(s) from further consequence in regard to the previously offending situation.

True Forgiveness, not forgiveness offered through words only, occurs when the previous situation of issue no longer holds an emotional charge.

It is from our emotional base that we act and/or react.

Being actionary is an Empowered State of Being whereas being reactionary is a dis-empowered state of being.

When a situation no longer incites you to react you have reached the point of Forgiveness.

Grace is Available for All whom Choose it; the Choosing is in the Offering.

Be Well!

© 8.06.2020 Sharon Brodbeck in2themystic.wordpress.com




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The New Moon at 13°56 Pisces occurs on March 4th, 2011 @ 3:46 pm EST and is positioned within the midst of an 8-body cluster, including the co-rulers of this lunation, Jupiter and Neptune.

Pisces, as the Ocean of Pure Potential, is the space traveled in which we let go of/surrender/dissolve that which is no longer productive, purposeful and/or viable before the transition into Aries, the space of birthing anew. For those that embrace the philosophy that energy exists within a continual state of transformation yet can never truly be annihilated, and that all forms are of an energetic structure, then  Pisces can be seen as serving the function of divesting us of patterns and forms that have reached the end of their usefulness so that we are optimally prepared to embrace new life, and life anew!, upon our entry into Aries.

When Pisces is emphasized in the nativity, or by transit, this energy is well-suited for service-related endeavors that foster a broader awareness of our Greater Existence for it is within this space that one can move with relative ease beyond the narrower confines of 3D constructs and beliefs. (more…)

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Uranus has reentered Pisces in retrograde motion and will continue retracing Piscean ground in reverse motion until direct station occurs on December 5th, 2010 @ 26°40′ Pisces. Between now and the beginning of December we will be reevaluating that which we first experienced this past spring from late March through late May.

As of direct motion on December 5th we will be ready to integrate and finalize anything yet needing to be attended over the winter months. Come March 11th of 2011, we will be graduating from our Pisces-Uranus cycle, which will not be reoccurring for most of us in this lifetime for the next cycle will not occur for another 84 years.

With this reentry of Pisces by Uranus we once again have mutual reception occurring between Uranus and Neptune in Aquarius. The mutual reception of these two planets over the past 7 years has catalyzed awakenings for many that has brought about necessary completions to many area’s of life to allow for a new direction and way of Being to occur. (more…)

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When we come to the understanding that no one has the power to force our participation in any relationship, ideal or situation we then embrace a new perspective concerning the act and nature of Forgiveness.

From this new perspective me find we must be forgiving only unto ourselves for that which we feel has caused us pain or offense for without our willing participation we would not have experienced that which attributed to our perceived affliction.

When we have forgiven ourselves and stand within our personal sovereignty we no longer feel a need to attribute to others our good nor bad fortunes for we claim sole and complete responsibility for our choices and their subsequent consequences.

We are then freed of a need to forward forgiveness to another, for in truth, there was never anything to forgive since they could not have been the cause of our misfortune if we had not allowed them to be so.

If you are struggling with forgiveness in your life, bless yourself with forgiveness first for your participation with an individual or situation.

Be accepting when you suddenly find that you no longer feel as if you need to offer forgiveness to an other(s) for now any feelings that you once attributed to them that caused you to feel pain have already been released by your willingness to take accountability and accept grace, for yourself.

Blessings, Kachina

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Jupiter, the planet of expansion and optimism, shall be entering Pisces on January 17th 2010.

On June 6th until September 8th Jupiter will briefly travel into Aries, then retrograde back into Pisces and remain in the Sign of the Fishes until January 22nd 2011.

It takes approximately 12 years for Jupiter to travel the whole of the Zodiac, so your house with Pisces located on the cusp is where you can expect to have Jupiter’s longer term attention the coming year.

A brief look at the energies represented by Jupiter and Pisces:

Jupiter: Jupiter is the representation of wisdom. Where Jupiter is transiting in your chart, is where you are afforded the opportunity for higher learning.

Some keywords for Jupiter are: abundance, expansion, luck, obesity, optimism, philosophy, publishing and religion.

Pisces: Pisces is a mutable water sign and the last sign of the Zodiac. Modern astrology attributes Neptune as the ruler of Pisces, yet until the discovery of Neptune, rulership was assigned to Jupiter.

Some keywords for Pisces are: artistic, creative, compassionate, imaginative, impressionable, psychic, sensitive and spiritual.

By identifying the house in which Jupiter will transit this next year, you can focus on the area of your life that your are being afforded the opportunity to expand in some manner with enthusiasm and good fortune on your side!

I offer one caution though, especially while Jupiter is transiting the ‘dreamy’ sign of Pisces, there is wisdom in the advice of “everything in moderation!” 🙂

Don’t get lost in too much of a good thing.

Yet if you are attentive to other area’s in your life needing focus, by all means you should thoroughly soak in the pleasures and advantages Jupiter is gifting unto you now.

Jupiter transiting the 12 Houses:


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Saturn is currently transiting Libra, bringing to center stage the issue of boundaries and balance, within relationships.

Some seem to be born with an understanding of what boundaries are, and utilize them with ease, throughout their lives.

Others, myself included, have had to work quite diligently to understand the meaning of boundaries and to utilize them in a manner that is non-projective.

Years past, I attended a Spiritual School of Healing for a time.

It was the philosophy of the founders of this school, that to become an effective conduit for healing for others, one must first heal, thyself.

When I entered this school, one of the issues that was constantly stressed to me during our self-work sessions, was BOUNDARIES.

Quite honestly, back then, I didn’t have any.

The word, meant nothing to me whatsoever, no matter how many times it was defined to me.

Yet others could see, even if I could not, that I was in desperate need of boundaries, and I am thankful for their daily enforcement of the necessity of developing boundaries for myself.

Many wise souls planted seeds with me back then, and while I did not have those seeds sprout until after my attendance period at this school, they did eventually come fully to flower, and I am so very thankful for those that cared enough about me, to badger me ceaselessly, on boundaries.

Setting boundaries really is about you, not, about any other.

I do not perceive boundaries as “walls or shields”, as I believe is quite a common perception in the collective.

If you truly have strong boundaries, and maintain them, there is never a need to deflect or prevent an energy of any nature from entering your space, nor is there a need to concern yourself with how another is utilizing their personal energy.

Boundaries are, a clean and concise definition, of your personal space.

They allow you to set within your energy patterns, what comes in, what goes out, and how you wish to utilize or bypass any energy incoming, regardless of if you should label it as “negative or positive, high or low”.

It simply does not matter,  for you yourself, through boundaries, determine the qualities of any energy within your space.

Keep your space tidy, and do not trespass the personal space of an other, and you shall master boundaries amazingly fast!

Following is an article I wrote a while ago, and I feel it is in context to developing and maintaining boundaries, and is an issue that tends to be overlooked, when doing depth work in the boundaries arena, for oneself.

If you are interested in developing better boundaries in your life, this article may be helpful to you, as there are many subjects that are not always easily identified as being directly connected to the area of boundaries, and I feel this is one of them.

If you have a lot of challenging aspects in your chart concerning relationships with others, or, if you are loaded up on Pisces, 12th house, or Neptune aspects, you too, should find this article of benefit. Service-oriented Virgo, this also could serve you.


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