
Posts Tagged ‘scorpio’

I have risen late.

I place intention to the course of my walk, traversing avenues when necessitated, ensurance of continual communion with crisp autumnal Light.

The eschewing of spaces yet grayed by lingering shadows, merely an action obedient to preference of mood this morn, not a path dictated by a misbegotten fear of subliminal places.

Recent formations of leaf communities joyously solicit invitation of sojourn aside their now grand cohesions of once-solitary, myriad hued members.

Occasional stirrings of wind no longer threaten individual dispersion; a boon of communal existence and necessity for many when Winters Gales arrive.

Yet on this late morning outing I find it is not these vibrant communities that dialogue so intimately with my Heart but it is the occasional Lone Leaf, found pressed limply to concrete walkway by residual moisture of the weeping of the Night prior, that receives my more soulful considerations.

I adjust my gait accordingly on the walkway, with respect for their current condition, maneuvering gently around these random soloists whilst musing as to why they present as such even now with other choice of Be-ing promised nearby should they but accept transport upon prevailing winds.

I observe that indeed the New Day sun has liberated much Else of the previous Nights tears yet these Lone Leaf’s remain saturated and still, and I remain uncertain as to if it is by inability, or unwillingness, to change their solemn condition that they remain as such.

Whispering to them with my Heart I ask of them if they be yet-stilled by indecisions, or are they not yet ready to be liberated of the tears of former Night doings; is it these matters that are cause of current condition?  

Alas, my inquiry results in mere silence, so I Heart Whisper once again a reassurance meant to be a balm against lonesomeness and further despair that:

I, as well as others upon our shared pathway, shall endeavor in our comings and goings to keep the pathway clear during all Winter Gales.

Through our Movements we shall stir the Airs when needed to assist in the drying of tears while alighting favorable Winds to lift all Lone Leaf’s toward their personal Choice of New Be-ing while honoring their sovereign rights to choose environments, solitary or communal, that is perfectly right for them.

I aim my strides now towards home; satisfied with my own choice.

© S. Brodbeck 11.08.22

Into the Mystic

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How do I bring myself Forth from this loneliness?

For the last of your Days

were surely the first of my Nights

yet still my Heart indwells possibility

that Providence shall grant us Union

with the Bestowing upon us

of a Reality fully formed

within the delicate sliver of Space

between rigid absolutes

that ‘ere now has confined us

to only mirrored Experience

of that which has been

the Other’s unmet World.

~ S. Brodbeck ©10.31.2022

Into The Mystic

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I smothered it;

I smothered it ‘ere full breath could be undertaken,

Re-animating a once lovely yet still-past, dead Thing.

Though saddened I was by the doing of it;

I have no regret of the act,

and decision for it, in itself.

The returning of the Thing to Rest,

‘ere accountability be demanded of me for its very Existence,

was the proper course to be undertaken .

One day future when glimpsing past,

it shall be known that the ending of the Thing

was the beginning of the Liberation

for Us each.

I wish it to be understood;

that my relinquishment unto Death,

of the very Thing that I desired so,

is offering of testament to a growth

bearing fully this humble recognition

that should the beloved Thing Become

once more Arisen

finding itself Reborn unto a new Day

it’s Promise to resurrected Life was gifted by a Power

far exceeding of mine alone.

Sharon Brodbeck 10.21.2022

Into the Mystic

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gift-of-lifeParaphrasing Florence Scovel Shinn on the subject of loss:

We can only lose that which is not ours by Divine Right or that which is not good enough for us. 

Bless what and whom leaves your life knowing that you shall receive equal, or better, in return.

Thank you Florence! ♥

Be Well!

© 7.30.2020 Sharon Brodbeck in2themystic.wordpress.com

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Toni Frissel's "Lady in the Water"

The New Moon at 13°40′ Scorpio occurs on November 6th, 2010 @ 12:52 am EDT and 4:52 am UT.

This lunation brings the opportunity to begin something anew, or redirect our course, in a manner that allows for Scorpio related themes to operate in the highest form in our lives. Scorpio, a fixed water sign, is the space of regeneration(healing) through elimination. As the eighth sign of the zodiac, Scorpio concerns revolve around shared energy/resources, legacies, sex, intimacy, transformations, death and rebirth. Scorpio is a piercing energy that seeks to go directly to the root of any situation/issue and has little tolerance for half-truths or mind-games.

Healing that takes place within the realm of Scorpio has a deeply invasive quality and is a no-stone left unturned procedure. What lies hidden and rejected, emotional and/or psychological, must be brought to awareness to satisfy Scorpio’s need to purify the organism(individual, familial or societal) through the penetration of the psyche. (more…)

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I recently had the pleasure of being the recipient of an ‘ask and you shall receive’ gift.

As I have mentioned in other posts I am currently in a cycle of activated Kundalini.

So to make short a long story, :) , I put it out through the ethers that I wished for someone, in a body ((silently thanking my disincarnate assistance for understanding)), to come forth that would be able to assist me during this transition in some way, someone that had something, I needed, to ease the discomfort that can come during a kundalini cycle.

The day following my etheric request for assistance, I found myself creating a Facebook account, which surprised me, for I had no interest in doing so, previous to that morning.

Within hours of my sign-on at Facebook, my request through the ethers was answered.

Steve Booke, a Musician and conduit for Healing, currently residing in NYC, friended me, and voila!, he offered exactly what I needed.

Steve’s musical compositions have brought me tremendous relief these past weeks, and have assisted the smooth flow of fire energy that, as of today, I am still experiencing.

In gratitude and thanks, for Steve’s generous assistance, I wished to share with my readers a bit on the dynamics of this talented Musician/Healer via his astrology signature, and to share his personal websites, for any that may wish to learn more of what Steve has to offer.


As an Aries rising, Steve receives benefit of his natural chart placements through the houses and signs, and his chart ruler is Mars (which is also co-ruler of Scorpio and the 8th house).

With his Moon and Neptune exactly conjunct, in his Scorpio 8th house, Steve easily plumbs the depths of Scorpio’s transformational intensity with a passion that brings forth an exotic flavor within many of his compositions. In his own words, Steve has coined the term, “Exotic Sexatonic” in description of the rich, sultry tones his music embodies.


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