
Posts Tagged ‘community’

Art credit: Catherine G McElroy

Never Mistake aggression for Power;

One that is Rooted Firmly Within

will Never be Broken by outside force

nor should fear those that Feign a power

they neither understand nor embody.

6.03.2020 © Sharon Brodbeck Into The Mystic

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I awoke recently in very early morn hours to the question arising within me of, “How do you want to be Known?”. I noted it within my bedside notebook and fell back to sleep.

Upon returning to sleep I was met by a lone, large Bee that was of a size similar to my hand. It’s body was vibrant in color and it radiated wellness. As I observed the Bee it settled upon a pristine white wooden planked floor.

I leaned over the Bee for a better look and noted a missing plank that allowed my view of a lone crab resting upon a dirt subfloor. The crab was alive and well but unmoving, as if unsure as to where to scuttle or awaiting direction possibly from the Bee.

I was calm and attentive to the Bee yet felt a need to contain it in some manner. I thought I might carry it outdoors to it’s natural habitat, for it’s own sake, as a measure to prevent it coming to harm by others whom might fear it.

I found myself to be holding a large glass jar and I attempted to “scoop” it around the Bee but try as I might the Bee repeatedly proved to be too large for the jar and would not be contained. I was puzzled by this as the Jar to Bee ratio made sense until I tried to actually capture it within the space.

Then I awoke, noted this message, and went about life; the question, “How do you want to be Known?” arisen previous the dream has remained prominent and echoes within me repeatedly since.

It is from this experience that I offer my thoughts upon this year’s Capricorn Solstice and the perfection of the Capricorn New Moon soon after.


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self-confidence-childEverything that exists undergoes strength testing from time to time.

Foundations built erroneously must be repaired and/or replaced.

Neglect to do so results in collapse. (more…)

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hands-on-world_1An empowered individual never feels the need to “identify” another (ie. using racial slurs toward an individual or larger entity). The need to place labels upon another stems from a lack of knowing oneself.

This practice of projected identifying is engaged by an individual that has little knowledge of their own core-being.

While possibly being a beneficial practice engaged by toddlers and youth, in their quest to individualize, projected identifying is not a constructive behavior in those beyond early developmental stages.

When demonstrated by an individual of advancing physical age this behavior likely represents a severely underdeveloped and/or misaligned psyche. An individual with such an underdeveloped sense of self has likely not developed the emotional body sufficiently enough to have any meaningful sociable manners and skills. A lack of the development of these skills correlates directly to the inability to empathize with the plight of any other and negates the forming of meaningful relationships. (more…)

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Art credit: Catherine G McElroy

Never Mistake aggression for Power;

One that is Rooted Firmly Within

will Never be Broken by outside force

nor should fear those that Feign a power

they neither understand nor embody.


6.03.2020 © Sharon Brodbeck Into The Mystic


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The New Moon Solar Eclipse @ 28′ Aquarius occurs on February 15, 2018.

Nodal axis to New Moon orb is rather wide so I wouldn’t expect the Eclipse itself to be of strong effect; yet with close orbs present in other configurations I believe this will be a significant Moon.

Sun/Moon are tightly conjunct Mercury, and Juno, and this Eclipse is South Node oriented. Uranus (Eclipse co-ruler) is partile sextile Mercury and Saturn (Eclipse co-ruler) is partile sextile Venus. With Mars in a forming square to Venus and the Sun/Moon/Merc/Juno formation recently separated from a Jupiter square there are a lot of players showing up for this Moon.

Key to delineating this Moon is the partile sextiles of Uranus/Mercury and Saturn/Venus. Breakthrough idea’s and communications in regard to Aquarian areas (groups/common interests/originality) will foster opportunity for long-term, stable relationships with people/situations/things that are beneficial and highly desirable provided the sanctity of the relation is observed. (more…)

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Today marks Winter Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere and in most societies this week is embraced as a holy week and is celebrated in a myriad of forms, dependent upon one’s personal beliefs, or those of which belong to the society into which one was born.

I personally, have never felt a personal attachment to any holiday of note, of any culture.

It is not that I am adverse to holidays celebrations, and in fact when I was raising my daughters, I quite joyfully participated in any celebration that was of importance to them.

You see, until recent years, I have had a walk that necessitated developing a great deal of optimism to roll with the challenges.

I suppose I learned a very long time ago, somewhere within childhood, to accept change as a constant and to celebrate each little event that felt good.

I have learned to embrace challenges out of the realization, that at least for some (myself included), challenges are a way of life and no matter how much effort you put into avoiding them or attempting to wish them away, you find time and time again, the only way up is through.

Yet too, I have learned that when one stops denying the existence of their personal challenges, and faces them head on with determination and courage, those same challenges eventually become one’s greatest achievements.

When you enter this world with an abundance of challenges, I feel many of us learn quite quickly that to sustain ourselves, we must celebrate daily, anything and everything that is Good and nurturing unto our Souls.

When faced with challenges, many are sent into reeling into ‘survival mode’, out of a fear of change.

Yet change is inevitable, and is ever occuring, regardless if one is able to recognise it at it’s most microcosmic levels.

The nature of change always brings challenges and challenges always catalyze change.

When you truly come to understand the dynamics of these cycles, and recognize that to evolve, we must embrace the cycle’s of change and challenge fearlessly, knowing, that this is the way we grow and become more, you suddenly find that you are living a life in constant celebration and awe, of this entire process experienced within our human journey’s.

Suddenly you do not wish to wait, for affirmed ‘special dates’, to celebrate and be joyful, loving and thankful.

Each and every moment, even the challenging one’s, are filled with a delicious prized center.


We are now, as a global society, in the midst of a cycle of accelerated change and challenge.

There are innumerable filters through which to perceive that which is now upon us, and everywhere you turn now there are many that are trying to explain this period and what it is all about, through their personal filters.

I feel for the most this is a good thing for we all resonate in different ways.

For each that is seeking understanding through their personal filter, there is someone that is offering knowledge, through the same filter.

I personally, feel I know what I need to know for myself, and on occasion for others if I am to be of service to them in some form.

I feel no need to really know, the “ONE and ONLY TRUTH”.

In all honesty I feel that is a fool’s game to seek to know this “ONE TRUTH” in exclusion of all else you could be experiencing and benefiting of now, as there are many, many truths upon this plane, and much that is labeled as truth is merely a personal truth subjective to the one experiencing it.

Sure, I have my personal Truths, and I am in constant awareness that others have theirs also.

I feel the best we can likely do, is to live our days the best we can by standing within our truths, and by being tolerant of the truth of others, by acknowledging that not a one of us, consciously is in awareness of  the Whole of It.

If and when, I should be enlightened to the One Truth, well, I am sure I will be beyond blessed and thankful, yet as of now, that has not occurred for me.

So I take each step, each moment, each day of these changing and challenging times..and I walk it through, with the most grace that I am capable of.

I keep my eyes on what is straight ahead of me and apply myself to what I can do NOW, and do not allow myself to be concerned with what the next moment, may or may not bring, and I trust with all of myself, that All is Well, when I stay on this course of action.

And I celebrate, each and every day..I celebrate as I dance, as I sing, as I share laughter with another.

I celebrate by listening, truly listening, when another has something their heart and soul wishes to share.

I celebrate the smiles gifted to me by ‘strangers’ at the grocery and the company of the birds that visit me as I take in a few moments of the winter air on my deck.

These things I celebrate, and all that is good, and allow none of it to slip by without being savored and noted.

These things, nourish and sustain the Soul.

These things, we bank, and draw upon to keep us whole, as we navigate the challenges that catalyze change.


My catalyst for sharing this today came of my need the past few days, to acknowledge this holiday season in some manner on my site, and to extend my wishes of a joyful holiday to my readers.

Yet I just could not find a manner of doing so, that I felt really embodied what I wanted to offer as greetings and blessings, to the many different personal preferences and paths  represented by those that partake in my offerings here.

So this is what came forth above, and I simply wish to conclude with this:

My heart and best wishes are with all on your celebratory days.

I hope that you find peace and joy, in your every moment, even those of challenge.

And may you find the courage and strength to walk your path with the utmost grace possible, for yourself and all others, through this Blessed Season of Change.

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With Saturn now transiting Libra, and squaring off with transiting Pluto in Capricorn, many are now beginning to understand where we, as  individuals, family units,  communities and nations must begin to restructure what we have done before and how we have done it into a realistic model that allows us to move ahead through the next years of changing times. (more…)

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