
Posts Tagged ‘uranus-taurus’

The Goodbye Song

There simply was not enough of Me

to accommodate

there not being enough of You

and though I wish a choice could have been made

upon which We both were found favored

I found it not to be within My power

to make such decision

for Us both.

If it were Mine alone to attend

We would not have arrived here

at the end of Our long walk

to behold this fork in the road

with We, knowing

each shall now choose a differing Path ahead.

Though did We not place steps upon differing course

long ‘ere We arrived at this juncture

when Each sought to follow their unique calling

deep within Themselves?


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8.5.2022 9:29AM

My experience of the garden this morning was a frenetic one. So much disarray to be sorted through after last evening’s rain; yet Lemon was so agitated that my task was not one that was going to be undertaken with any ease and grace.

As I gathered produce, tended the feeders and up righted tipped planters she pulled and strained against her very generous lead yelping and panting; a half crazed, fully obsessed, bunny-lusted Lemon she was.

I moved her lead from stake to stake around the gardens hoping that if she were presented with enough differing angles (perspectives) she would come to the recognition that there was nothing tangible where she believed it to be.

Yet the more information she had to work with the greater her frenzy became.

I finally had enough. I stopped everything I had been doing, took a deep breath to clear my own irritation with her agitation and said,

“Lemon, just let it go now Darlin’, just let it all go. It is already gone. You are just chasing a Ghost now”.

Lemon stilled and became and quiet. Something inside of me responded in like manner.

For a few moments we were as such, she and I, calculating our next steps in consideration of the awareness we now had.

And then the first drops of a new day’s rain touched our cheeks and signaled a lesson completed.

Thank you Mother; I understand and am grateful.

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I will cling to this Earth

as all of miscreation crumbles around me

and She shall cleave to me

and gratitude shall flow from my lips,

to be captured within Her rhythmically beating Heart,

in great thanks of sanctuary accepted

from One as Divine as She

As She and I entwine I breathe of Her

her fragrance one of dew, and moss

and decay and Life

And I Rest

I rest knowing that whilst

the Planets above us court new partners

and Stars pirouette in spaces ere unknown

and Chaos reigns as Ballerino this day

a new day filled with new sky

shall surely break upon tumultuous horizon

sweeping aside afore clashing storms of ere begotten ways

and a brilliant Moon shall find placement aside

her loving Partner’s golden warmth

and I shall reemerge

from space of nurtured and protective containment

yet still shall I find myself entwined

as though fed through newborn cord

to my ever attentive Earth Mother

and I shall honor her in All Manners and Ways


and ne’er again shall I doubt Her Love of me

For from Her I was born and to Her I will return

Time and again, as long as Earth is to be home

To this Soul of Mine

Sharon Brodbeck 6.21.22


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The Aquarius Full Moon occurs at 12:00PM EDT on August 3rd, 2020 @ 12º Aquarius/Leo.

Specifics of note: The lunation is just separating from a square to Uranus in Taurus; the void of the T-Square formed is in Scorpio. Saturn & Uranus are rulers of the Moon, Sun is in it’s own Sign. Rulers of Scorpio, Mars and Pluto, are applying square with involvement from Jupiter and Saturn. Much more going on but that is suitable to note for my jumping off point.

Personal Note: I was meditating upon this lunation and when the inspiration fully realized it came forth in a torrent on Twitter. I am posting the entirety of that stream here without edit so please note that it’s original formatting was “tweets”.  I am quite busy, as are we all, and I need to economize my time but wanted to address the full moon. Hoping the post is easily digestible. Be Well!

I was neither born into, nor raised within, an environment of stability or kindness. I had no positive authority figures, no leaders I could trust. To survive I had to acknowledge that those that were “charged” with my well-being had no intentions of fulfilling their duties.

To survive I had to see that my abusive authority figures never had any intention of fulfilling any of their promises to me. I learned that it was never really about who I was or wasn’t, what I did or didn’t do, what I said or didn’t say.

I learned that to continue to have expectations of individuals that are abusive to you is welcoming more abuse. Expecting such people to change is a waste of time. They may or they may not. When you’re life is in the balance I suggest not playing the odds on that one. (more…)

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