
The energetic tones of the forthcoming 3 months arrive via the Sun’s ingress of Cancer on June 21st, 2023.

Solstice energies are reflecting the theme of transition from conditions and situations that were predominant in our lives during the past 18 months as the Moon’s Nodes transited the Taurus/Scorpio axis.

Mid July the Nodes shift into the Aries/Libra axis.

With the ongoing square from Pluto to the Moon’s nodes we have likely felt pressured to shift direction in at least one area of our lives the past weeks.

Sun and Juno in aspect to Pluto, via quincunx, may feel as if we were/are operating in the gray with no concise clear direction forward.

The Sun, just separated from Pluto, moves to aspect the Nodal axis and we may now find our situations require a radical reorientation, emotionally and/or structurally.

A vitalization of new commitments may rest upon the dissolution of others as witnessed by the aspects of the Sun to the Nodal axis.

Also notable is a favoring of the Sun by both Jupiter in Taurus and Saturn in Pisces which can lend a grounding and/or expansion to new and existing forms that previously felt elusive and/or “lost” to us.

This year we are favored by a Leo Moon at Solstice, placing our luminaries in the sign of the other’s rulership. Moon is in a lovely forming novile to Sun/Juno after recently separating from a square to Jupiter.

This is a rather vivacious, hope-filled Moon and as she moves to a conjunction with Venus and then Mars (rulers of the current transiting Nodal positions) there is a fostering of a desire for couplings that allow us expression of our creative and playful drives.

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Defiant, in Our Naked Truth

Are we yet impregnated,

by the soon-to-be Ghosts,

of a Fading Age?

Inseminated even now

with the unmet dreams

and impossible to bear expectations

of a minority frenzy

still unaccepting

of the Common need

to bring forth from our Womb

a power Truer

than the one of Era previous.

Can we rid ourselves

of the antiquated notions

that have fueled everlasting wars

as an endless attempt

by those fearful of the

Truer Power

to retain the last gasp

of a false hierarchy structure

whose withering seeds

prove inability to father

further violence and mayhem

through those whom have boldly

reclaimed their wombs.

Let us not waste our precious Vessels

nor Seeds

on that which cannot,

Will not

acknowledge that refusals for transparency

are for the betterment

of no One but themselves

while continuing their mad grabs

for corporations, currencies and titles

with little regard for the damage to lands

and vital resources

bestowed as inherent rights

for the support and comforts of

All Life Forms

upon Our Earth Mother.

Be Bold and Unafraid

Stand Nakedly in Your Truth

and notice

Who is Bold and Unafraid

in their Nakedness

Beside You.

This is Family;

This is Tribe.

This is why you did The Work;

and Very Soon

you will plainly see

You are not Alone.

Kachina, One with Self aka Sharon Brodbeck

Jan 6, 2023


As Pluto ingresses Aquarius, the first of three such events between now and November 2024, the Moon in Aries is waxing square to Pluto.

This implies that we’ve got shit to do in the coming months of this first ingress period.

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This prose snippet below (slightly tweaked) is from something I wrote in 2005, early into the “intentional” part of my Healing/Be-coming journey.

Following the prose is a brief delineation/thought prompt for the Virgo Full Moon 2023 as well as an observation for Saturn’s ingress of Pisces hours after the lunation.


Saying YES! to Screaming NO!

Once, I felt Enough

Of the Pain

For a Moment

I Dreamed

Of No Tomorrows

And it was Then

that finally I said


To saying


~Sharon Brodbeck

aka Kachina Houska ‘2005


The current Virgo Full Moon finds Nessus (the Buck Stops Here) conjunct Sun in Pisces with opposition to Moon upon the “Volcanic Eruption (Catharsis) Sabian degree. Mercury, lunation ruler, is also present in Pisces.

I invite you to consider the prose snippet above in regards to the relevancy of it in your life during this Full Moon phase. 

How are you doing, really? 

Do you need to VENT like that Volcano?

As Mountains crumble and Moons fall can You allow the Fires to Burn while permitting your Yesses as well as NO!’s to be your hymn and guide as You finish what You must in preparation for the magnificent Aries New Moon’s arrival in two short weeks(blinks?!)?

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Art credit: Catherine G McElroy

Never Mistake aggression for Power;

One that is Rooted Firmly Within

will Never be Broken by outside force

nor should fear those that Feign a power

they neither understand nor embody.

6.03.2020 © Sharon Brodbeck Into The Mystic

Was it She that brought You forth, to I?;

had She cast forth to You

upon Her ever-flowing Tides

my Longings of Heart,

ages and ages of need and want

spilled forth into her fathomless depths

as I, made naked my Soul desires

entrusting unto Her the containment

of these precious-unto-me Things

when the vastness of their totality

became far too great

to be held solely

within the Earthen forms

of my many mortal Be-ings.

Did it find You?;

as You drifted upon the Sea

the whispered request

for Your Presence before I

encapsulated within translucent bubble

an urging to You by She

by I

to swim further abroad

to where long I’ve awaited

Your return unto Me.

Or perhaps as I waded,

within Her endless shoals

age upon age merging

with the next, with the ‘fore

as an act of great benevolence

for I,

for You,

She pressed within a Pearl

my sincerest wish-filled Flows

and nestled the lustrous orb

‘neath many layers of sands

upon distant Ocean bed.

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I Claim this New Day,

for those Many upon Many

of which once it was denied.

Into the Rising Sun I shall move,

an acceptance of Grace

for us All.

No longer shall We hold to our sadness,

birthed of misbegotten belief

of Life brought short.

No Man’s Doings shall tether Us yet,

to The Great Waste and Chaos

once met upon Us by the actions

of the Innocent of Mind

sent forth by those Ignorant of Heart

to enact their ill biddings.

We shall defy their attempts to erase our Love

with that very Being Herself

resowing our Dresden Love

with reverence and Joy

in all of the multitudes of spaces and places

we now call Home.

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The Goodbye Song

There simply was not enough of Me

to accommodate

there not being enough of You

and though I wish a choice could have been made

upon which We both were found favored

I found it not to be within My power

to make such decision

for Us both.

If it were Mine alone to attend

We would not have arrived here

at the end of Our long walk

to behold this fork in the road

with We, knowing

each shall now choose a differing Path ahead.

Though did We not place steps upon differing course

long ‘ere We arrived at this juncture

when Each sought to follow their unique calling

deep within Themselves?

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© Sharon Brodbeck Into The Mystic Prose & Photo Collaboration w/ A. Sahaj- 01.31.23

A Much Needed Grace~

Credit: Omid HZ @unsplash

Do not Linger in your sufferings

for in the doing of

you would deny this World

A much needed Grace.


S. Brodbeck

Into the Mystic

~Dark Moon Reflection and Release

How do I want to be known?

Have I aborted all soon-to-be Ghosts of the Age that Fades that I might be a purer Vessel for a Truer Creation than the one that has forced us to our knees, literally and metaphoric? 

I returned to The House That Built Me and I have PRAYed with Kesha as the sorrows, rage and unRealized expectations of my lineage tore through me as I opened the door for Healing for I, and the many I’s before me, who once participated in the wounding of others, as well as ourselves, before we did see and understand a Truer Light. 

A Grace of Forgiveness bestowed upon me for my own shortcomings now confessed, a Whisper in my Heart urged, Let it Flow, Let it Flow; Let the everlasting Well of No Wrongs only Rights find it’s way to those whom I, and my lineage of I’s, held in accountability for once thought Wrongs.  

New Ways, New Means, I peeked!; it’s going to be ok, new terminology arrives to understand our Selves, and Others, in not only a kinder way, but a Sex-ier way too! X-citing (though likely not what you are thinking dear!) just wait, you’ll SEE, it’s Novel and beckoned back to meet us, from a “Forward” facing time; almost here almost here, our awaited Renaissance=far less Fear. 

Felt the Fear and was Bold anyway; dropped the last vestiges of that which has concealed ME, from You, and Me too! 

Am Defiant in My Truth, when first Naked I held my breath, awaiting the critique of my True Form displayed before You, before He, before I. And then I realized, it mattered not, for I AM, I AM! well yes of course! and approval is already Mine, I just needed to step up, claim it and Call it DONE!  

I AM enough. I am no longer in Love with another; I AM LOVE with an Other and the Last is nothing like the First and is the every Thing we ever held close to our Hearts, so close, we had forgotten it was still held there. 

Celebrate! A New Moon approaches, and wow, get ready for the Bold One’s, the Creatives!. whom are standing proudly and assuredly in their Nakedness of Truth and have heard the Call, we Gather with haste, no waste!; busy Bee’s too Big for any catching Jars we Are, and we are Hive, One, but no way are we fucking the same.

 We are BOLD in Our Colors and Flavors and we care not for the Approval of those whom would Judge us for our Courage to Stand, as we ARE, Naked in Defiance and oh-so-over-ready to Light a Fire of radical new understandings and definitions as we Re-Imagine our Collective Worlds. 

I know how I want to be known and all soon-to-be Ghosts have been blessed and ushered into Light and I have claimed full ownership of my dark, empowered womb. I choose what I Birth and the one’s with withering Seeds attempting to inseminate any of their old hat song and dance within me, and YOU, will find Kali Maa awaiting and she does not take names my friend. 

Love, always Love, Love Soft, Love Hard~ Rage in Your Love; it is Uncontainable it is the True Power!,

and the one’s that mistake their aggressions for power, yeah, we’re done with that. 

I Am Ready.


Sharon Brodbeck 1/20/23

Into The Mystic