
Posts Tagged ‘pluto-ingress-aquarius’

Defiant, in Our Naked Truth

Are we yet impregnated,

by the soon-to-be Ghosts,

of a Fading Age?

Inseminated even now

with the unmet dreams

and impossible to bear expectations

of a minority frenzy

still unaccepting

of the Common need

to bring forth from our Womb

a power Truer

than the one of Era previous.

Can we rid ourselves

of the antiquated notions

that have fueled everlasting wars

as an endless attempt

by those fearful of the

Truer Power

to retain the last gasp

of a false hierarchy structure

whose withering seeds

prove inability to father

further violence and mayhem

through those whom have boldly

reclaimed their wombs.

Let us not waste our precious Vessels

nor Seeds

on that which cannot,

Will not

acknowledge that refusals for transparency

are for the betterment

of no One but themselves

while continuing their mad grabs

for corporations, currencies and titles

with little regard for the damage to lands

and vital resources

bestowed as inherent rights

for the support and comforts of

All Life Forms

upon Our Earth Mother.

Be Bold and Unafraid

Stand Nakedly in Your Truth

and notice

Who is Bold and Unafraid

in their Nakedness

Beside You.

This is Family;

This is Tribe.

This is why you did The Work;

and Very Soon

you will plainly see

You are not Alone.

Kachina, One with Self aka Sharon Brodbeck

Jan 6, 2023


As Pluto ingresses Aquarius, the first of three such events between now and November 2024, the Moon in Aries is waxing square to Pluto.

This implies that we’ve got shit to do in the coming months of this first ingress period.


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