
I AM Love

with an Other

having previously risen

to invitation upon

a Path of destination

one not of easy traverse.

Yet arrived

I one morning did

to find at Love’s Door

an Other I

whom too once had

risen to like invitation.

Acceptance by He

of I,

and I of He

alit a ferocious Fire

that laid to waste

last vestige of resistance

to surrendered acceptance

of a bestowing of Grace.

This Love,

that I AM

with an Other

is not a passive Love

though She be gentle

nor is She a forcible Love

but an ever-long


She speaks of

no confinements

nor definitions

nor denials

a Sonnet of Inclusion

flows from her Lips

and through

mine Heart.

This Love,

She tutors

is the Love without beginning

and without demise

to be shared Freely

in all Expressions

with any whom

rise to Invitation,


Sharon Brodbeck 01/19/23

Into The Mystic

Are we yet impregnated,

by the soon-to-be Ghosts,

of a Fading Age?

Inseminated even now

with the unmet dreams

and impossible to bear expectations

of a minority frenzy

still unaccepting

of the Common need

to bring forth from our Womb

a power Truer

than the one of Era previous.

Can we rid ourselves

of the antiquated notions

that have fueled everlasting wars

as an endless attempt

by those fearful of the

Truer Power

to retain the last gasp

of a false hierarchy structure

whose withering seeds

prove inability to father

further violence and mayhem

through those whom have boldly

reclaimed their wombs.

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Yule Blessings 2022

I lie within fields barren

Crimson flower gone to seed

Earth caressed by Winter lips

Upon which my cheek doth rest

I lie within fields barren

New life lulled in womb

Divine, this song emergent

Await Springs commencing breath

I lie within fields barren

Remembrance of which has been

In honor of this sacred cycle

Till genesis springs forth afresh.

~Sharon Brodbeck ’09

Into The Mystic

I awoke recently in very early morn hours to the question arising within me of, “How do you want to be Known?”. I noted it within my bedside notebook and fell back to sleep.

Upon returning to sleep I was met by a lone, large Bee that was of a size similar to my hand. It’s body was vibrant in color and it radiated wellness. As I observed the Bee it settled upon a pristine white wooden planked floor.

I leaned over the Bee for a better look and noted a missing plank that allowed my view of a lone crab resting upon a dirt subfloor. The crab was alive and well but unmoving, as if unsure as to where to scuttle or awaiting direction possibly from the Bee.

I was calm and attentive to the Bee yet felt a need to contain it in some manner. I thought I might carry it outdoors to it’s natural habitat, for it’s own sake, as a measure to prevent it coming to harm by others whom might fear it.

I found myself to be holding a large glass jar and I attempted to “scoop” it around the Bee but try as I might the Bee repeatedly proved to be too large for the jar and would not be contained. I was puzzled by this as the Jar to Bee ratio made sense until I tried to actually capture it within the space.

Then I awoke, noted this message, and went about life; the question, “How do you want to be Known?” arisen previous the dream has remained prominent and echoes within me repeatedly since.

It is from this experience that I offer my thoughts upon this year’s Capricorn Solstice and the perfection of the Capricorn New Moon soon after.

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Denial and rejections of Love are but feeble attempts of self flagellation. The Presence of Love can no more be denied to the Soul than breath be denied to the lungs for both are life sustaining and necessary conditions. As such, both breath and Love are provided freely unto us by God.  If we should find ourselves without adequate measures of either we should bring to question why we are not allowing ourselves to partake in their vital sustenance.

Maybe it is with Love that we wait for something tangible to be seen to prove its existence unto us? During most conditions Love, as true also with breath, goes unseen and unappreciated by the naked eye. Yet during some conditions, such as the colder environments of our lives, breath is easily viewable streaming ever so fluidly and gently across our lips as if they were caressed by it. So too, is it not with Love?

Love is the warmth that envelops us and permeates our very Soul when we have ceased  our furies and battles and been stilled to find ourselves having become a frigid brittle shell for the lack of It. Deny us Love does not, as oft we have with It, for Love is not vengeful nor does it seek to elude or delude Its True Nature.

Love knows the Truth of what it Is and always seeks union with, Its Self, that which is ever residing in stillness deep within our human forms.

10/20/2022 11:08 AM~ Morning thoughts stirred by doing life Things

S. Brodbeck

Into the Mystic

“Do you remember when I told you about the pipe bombs in my driveway or the time my neighbor called 911 because there was a horrific boom and it seemed the whole house shook and insects were scurrying from the drains and she was certain my propane tanks had exploded? Remember that?”

~oh yeah; I do

“Yes! So the fire department came when she called and then they roped off the block and there was this really weird gas hovering thick over the ground and spiraling all about my property. And the really weird thing was no one knew why and as far as I know, after men in uniforms and hazmat suits left, it was just forgotten. Never heard anymore. Just like after they came and detonated the bombs. That was just it”

~yeah. so why now? what’s this about?

“I think partly this is why I’m hurting so much now; physically. It’s all crunchy-like and stagnant, these things that I do not share, because it just seems like my life is full of these really weird little jagged, seemingly unrelated events and when you just share those “random” pieces with people that have no patience or aptitude  for the unfolding of something larger, you just don’t come off well”

~seriously?? you still give a shit what people think?

“Yes and no. I no longer require approval for who I am or how I am doing my Am-ness. But yeah, I give a shit in as much as I don’t enjoy being the target for people’s nasty when they can’t get a grip on it.”

~nobody does. but you gotta’ just forget about that and do what you’ve gotta do.

“Yeah, you’re right. I’ve spent too much time not being dishonest but also not being fully forthcoming when opportunity presents. Last time I went full-in was back in 2007, remember? I told you how badly that went.”

~yeah. that wasn’t your fault though.

“It felt like my fault. I thought they were more openminded then they actually were. I heard through the rumor-mill that I couldn’t be trusted because I didn’t share enough about myself. So, I tried but it just freaked them out. The Christians tried to cast the devil out of me and the Pagans just thought my glowing healing hands were..I don’t know actually, but they turned on me” 

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When I awaken and go

I shall carry you with me

much as once you carried me forth

to Here

as I remained within my slumbers.

When I awaken and go

I shall seal

our Fare-Thee-Wells

upon this Haven

once permissive

of our unified

Rests and Risings

however fleeting

I recall them to be.

When I awaken and go

I shall carry you with me

course set in tandem

with ascendant Sun

wasting naught of my Freedom gained

a much desired treasure

worthy of savor.

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I have risen late.

I place intention to the course of my walk, traversing avenues when necessitated, ensurance of continual communion with crisp autumnal Light.

The eschewing of spaces yet grayed by lingering shadows, merely an action obedient to preference of mood this morn, not a path dictated by a misbegotten fear of subliminal places.

Recent formations of leaf communities joyously solicit invitation of sojourn aside their now grand cohesions of once-solitary, myriad hued members.

Occasional stirrings of wind no longer threaten individual dispersion; a boon of communal existence and necessity for many when Winters Gales arrive.

Yet on this late morning outing I find it is not these vibrant communities that dialogue so intimately with my Heart but it is the occasional Lone Leaf, found pressed limply to concrete walkway by residual moisture of the weeping of the Night prior, that receives my more soulful considerations.

I adjust my gait accordingly on the walkway, with respect for their current condition, maneuvering gently around these random soloists whilst musing as to why they present as such even now with other choice of Be-ing promised nearby should they but accept transport upon prevailing winds.

I observe that indeed the New Day sun has liberated much Else of the previous Nights tears yet these Lone Leaf’s remain saturated and still, and I remain uncertain as to if it is by inability, or unwillingness, to change their solemn condition that they remain as such.

Whispering to them with my Heart I ask of them if they be yet-stilled by indecisions, or are they not yet ready to be liberated of the tears of former Night doings; is it these matters that are cause of current condition?  

Alas, my inquiry results in mere silence, so I Heart Whisper once again a reassurance meant to be a balm against lonesomeness and further despair that:

I, as well as others upon our shared pathway, shall endeavor in our comings and goings to keep the pathway clear during all Winter Gales.

Through our Movements we shall stir the Airs when needed to assist in the drying of tears while alighting favorable Winds to lift all Lone Leaf’s toward their personal Choice of New Be-ing while honoring their sovereign rights to choose environments, solitary or communal, that is perfectly right for them.

I aim my strides now towards home; satisfied with my own choice.

© S. Brodbeck 11.08.22

Into the Mystic

How do I bring myself Forth from this loneliness?

For the last of your Days

were surely the first of my Nights

yet still my Heart indwells possibility

that Providence shall grant us Union

with the Bestowing upon us

of a Reality fully formed

within the delicate sliver of Space

between rigid absolutes

that ‘ere now has confined us

to only mirrored Experience

of that which has been

the Other’s unmet World.

~ S. Brodbeck ©10.31.2022

Into The Mystic

I smothered it;

I smothered it ‘ere full breath could be undertaken,

Re-animating a once lovely yet still-past, dead Thing.

Though saddened I was by the doing of it;

I have no regret of the act,

and decision for it, in itself.

The returning of the Thing to Rest,

‘ere accountability be demanded of me for its very Existence,

was the proper course to be undertaken .

One day future when glimpsing past,

it shall be known that the ending of the Thing

was the beginning of the Liberation

for Us each.

I wish it to be understood;

that my relinquishment unto Death,

of the very Thing that I desired so,

is offering of testament to a growth

bearing fully this humble recognition

that should the beloved Thing Become

once more Arisen

finding itself Reborn unto a new Day

it’s Promise to resurrected Life was gifted by a Power

far exceeding of mine alone.

Sharon Brodbeck 10.21.2022

Into the Mystic