
Posts Tagged ‘retrograde’

© 4-8-11 Kachina Houska in2themystics.com

Pluto turns retrograde @ 7°30′ Capricorn on April 9th, 2011 and remains retrograde until September 16th, 2011 when direct station occurs at 4°53′ Capricorn.

Transformational Pluto seeks to empower individual and societal entities through the eradication of that which is non-beneficial and incongruous to the future well-being of said entity. Pluto assists us in reinventing portions of our lives that we were previously unable, or unwilling, to adapt on our own so that we might move forward on our path unencumbered by previous obstacles or outworn patterns/programs.

Governmental structures and large business institutions are beholden to Capricorn and while Pluto transits this sign these area’s are being continually, if seemingly at times slowly, purified to the core. As of the current time that I am penning this post, we in the U.S. are just a few short hours away from finding out if the “threat”(as termed by some mainstream media venues) of a Governmental Shutdown of “non-essential departments and programs” becomes a reality.

If this shutdown occurs it will be just hours before Pluto officially turns retrograde. Regardless if the shutdown takes place or no, the next weeks that Pluto remains on this retrograde degree will likely churn up previously “hidden” information related to this situation. As Uranus and Pluto tighten their square in the forthcoming weeks agitation in the U.S.  over this situation will likely be strongly present within public sentiment and may be the impetus for much larger changes occurring in 2012 and onward when the Uranus-Pluto squares come exact. Of course since September of 2010 while Pluto has been traveling direct numerous significant global events have occurred that relate directly to the transformation of Capricorn structures and those events too shall be revisited at another level if Pluto deems it necessary. (more…)

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We are now one week shy of Mars going retrograde, and I have found myself putting my inspiration for any new projects/creations, into solid foundations at lightening speed this past week.

How about you? Have you suddenly felt the need to jump start any endeavors, laying the ground work, at a frantic pace?

If you have, you likely have been sensing the forthcoming Mars retrograde, and have been acting on your Astro impulses and are more in-tune then maybe you realized. 🙂


A brief overview of what Mars retrograde is all about and what you may experience during this roughly 10 week period, while Mars is in retrograde:


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